Tracing the Roots of “De Colores”: The Story of a Beloved Song in the Emmaus Community

The Walk to Emmaus is a powerful spiritual retreat that has helped thousands of people deepen their faith and strengthen their relationship with God. One of the key elements of the Emmaus experience is the music that is used during the retreat. One of the most popular songs within the Emmaus community is “De Colores,” a catchy and upbeat song that is often used to bring the community together. But where did this song come from and why is it so important to the Emmaus community? In this blog post, we will explore the origin of “De Colores” and its significance in the Emmaus community.

The Origin of “De Colores”

The song “De Colores” has its origins in Mexican folk music. The song is a traditional Mexican folk song that has been around for decades. The exact origin of the song is unknown but it is believed to have originated among Mexican farmworkers in California during the 1940s and 1950s. The song is traditionally performed in Spanish, with its title meaning “Of Colors” in English. The lyrics are a celebration of the beauty of nature and life, and the many colors that surround us. It is a song about joy and gratitude.

In the 1960s, the song was introduced to the Emmaus community by a group of Emmaus participants from Mexico. They sang the song during one of the Emmaus retreats, and it immediately caught on with the other participants. The song’s upbeat tempo and positive message resonated with the Emmaus community, and it quickly became a staple at Emmaus retreats and gatherings.

The song’s popularity in the Emmaus community stems from its message of joy, gratitude, and appreciation for the beauty of life. The lyrics align with the values and principles of the Emmaus community, which emphasizes living a joyful and meaningful life. The song became a symbol of the Emmaus community’s spirit and energy, and a way for members to connect with one another.

“De Colores” is now a beloved song within the Emmaus community and continues to be used as a way to bring the community together and to remind them of the joy and beauty of life.

The Meaning of “De Colores”

The lyrics of “De Colores” are simple and catchy, but they hold a deep meaning that resonates with the Emmaus community. The song is traditionally performed in Spanish, but many Emmaus communities have adapted the lyrics to their own languages. The lyrics, in essence, speak of the beauty and joy of life, with a focus on the colors that surround us. The phrase “De Colores” itself translates to “of colors”, referring to the colors of nature, life, and emotions.

The first verse of the song talks about the colors of the rainbow and the different birds that fly in the sky. The second verse speaks of the colors of nature, like the fields of green and the flowers in bloom. The third verse is a celebration of the colors of life, like the laughter of children and the love of friends. The lyrics remind us to appreciate the beauty of life and to find joy in the colors that surround us.

The message of the song aligns with the values of the Emmaus community, which encourages members to find joy in their daily lives and to appreciate the beauty of nature and the world around them. The song becomes a reminder of the importance of living a joyful and meaningful life and seeing the world through the colors of hope, love, and gratitude.

In summary, “De Colores” is a traditional Mexican folk song that has become a beloved part of the Emmaus community. Its catchy tune, positive message, and alignment with the Emmaus community values make it a staple at Emmaus retreats and gatherings, and a powerful reminder to appreciate the beauty of life.

The Use of “De Colores” in the Emmaus Community

In the Emmaus community, “De Colores” is used in a variety of ways to bring the community together and to remind them of the joy and beauty of life. The song is often sung during the closing of the retreats, as a way to send participants off with a positive and uplifting message. It’s also sung during community gatherings, such as potlucks, picnics, and other events, as a way to bring the community together and foster a sense of camaraderie.

The song is also used as a way to teach new participants about the Emmaus community and its values. The song’s message of joy and gratitude aligns with the principles of the Emmaus community and it is a powerful way to introduce new members to the community’s spirit.

In addition, “De Colores” has become a powerful tool for connecting Emmaus participants with the wider Emmaus community around the world. It is a song that is known and loved by many Emmaus communities worldwide, and it serves as a unifying force that connects Emmaus participants regardless of their location or language.

In short, “De Colores” is a beloved song in the Emmaus community that serves as a powerful reminder of the joy and beauty of life. The song is used to bring the community together, foster camaraderie, and introduce new members to the Emmaus community’s values. It’s also a unifying force that connects Emmaus participants with the wider Emmaus community worldwide.


In conclusion, “De Colores” is a beloved song in the Emmaus community that has its origins in Mexican folk music. The song was introduced to the Emmaus community in the 1960s and since then has become a staple at Emmaus retreats and gatherings. The song’s message of joy, gratitude, and appreciation for the beauty of life aligns with the values and principles of the Emmaus community. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of living a joyful and meaningful life and appreciating the colors of nature and life.

The song is used in various ways within the Emmaus community, such as during retreats, and community gatherings, and as a way to introduce new members to the Emmaus community’s values. It also serves as a unifying force that connects Emmaus participants with the wider Emmaus community worldwide.

“De Colores” is more than just a song, it’s a symbol of the Emmaus community’s spirit and energy. It reminds us of the joy and beauty of life and encourages us to live out our faith in a deeper and more meaningful way. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to learn and sing “De Colores” and to join the Emmaus community in celebrating the many colors of life.